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Make a Donation

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Donation Details
Please let us know what amount you would like to donate. After clicking the ‘Donate’ button you will be given the option to donate online by credit card or by making a direct bank transfer.
By clicking ‘Donate’, you accept the following terms:
  • All donations made are final and cannot be refunded.
  • Kristin School is a Charitable Trust. All donations will be receipted and are tax deductible.
  • Donations will be processed in New Zealand dollars.
  • Your personal information submitted with your donation will be treated in accordance with the Kristin School Privacy Policy. Your personal information will be used only for processing your donation, and for keeping you informed of school activities and initiatives.
To discuss any Kristin fundraising initiatives further, please contact Mark Wilson, Executive Principal, on +64 9 415 9566 Ext 2302 or email Mark Wilson.